Generate Regular Payroll

Generate Regular Payroll

Generating a Regular Pay Run follows the schedule both of your payroll period and attendance period.

To generate a regular pay run:
1. From the Top Navigation, go to Payroll > Payroll Tab.

2. On the Payroll Summary page, click on the Generate Payroll button.

3. Select Regular, the Payroll Group, and the Pay Out Date.


4. The Payroll Period and the Attendance Period will be shown for validation. Click on the Next button.

5. The Payroll details will be displayed.
- Type of Pay Run
- Payroll Group Name
- Pay Out Date
- Payroll Period
- Attendance Period
- List of Employees included in the Payroll to be generated (including the Position, Basic Pay, Attendance, Additional Income, Total Deduction)

NOTE:  Your Pay Run can still be generated even if you have not regenerated the attendance period via the Computed Attendance tab in Time and Attendance Module.

However, you will always need check the attendance of the employees. If the Attendance Column displays 0.00, the time and attendance might not have been regenerated. Those employees who are timesheet required might be tagged as Absent for the whole period or for some certain days if this happens.

You will not be able to Run your payroll if the system detects errors. You will see that there is a warning icon, and after clicking it, the list of employees with errors together with the specific reasons will be displayed.

You can download the list of errors.

Another option is to click on the name of the employee, and you will be redirected to that employee's 201 profile to make the necessary changes or updates.

These errors should be addressed first before you can continue processing your Pay Run.

a.1. For those who are subscribed to Payroll Only, click on the Add Attendance button to upload the computed attendance of the employees.
a.2. Click on the Download button.

a.3. Accomplish the .CSV template.

Make sure that the details are complete from EID, Last Name, First Name, Middle Name, Scheduled Hours, and Computed Attendance.
Timesheet Date format: mm/dd/yyyy
Computed hours format: hh:mm
In case an employee renders the night shift, deduct the total NT hours from the Regular column. This is also applicable to both Tardiness and Undertime.
a.4. Save the file and Upload it.

b.1. If there are other incomes that were not added prior to generating the Regular Payroll, they can still be added before the final step by clicking on the Add Other Income button.

b.2. Choose the other income type you wish to add.

b.3. You will be redirected to the page where you will add the specific income type.

6. To start the payroll computation, click on the Run Payroll button.

7. You will be redirected back to the Payroll Summary page. You will also see the status of the payroll and the progress of the computation through a percentage bar.

This allows you to generate MULTIPLE PAY RUNS at the same time. You no longer have to wait for the completion of the calculation before you can generate another one.

8. Once payroll calculation is completed, you will notice that the Status is now set to Open. Under the Action column, you have the option to View the detailed payroll or to Regenerate instantly the payroll you initially processed. If the status is closed, you have the option to Re-Open the payroll.

Payroll Regeneration will only be applicable if you made changes in some payroll items or attendance-related items after the initial payroll processing. This is a quick button to capture the changes made. In case a Payroll is already closed and you wish to regenerate it, the first step is to Re-open the payroll.



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