Salarium logs all of the activities done in the system, including viewed, updated, and deleted items. This allows the administrators to trace and verify the changes made by checking the transactions recorded in the Audit Trail section.
The Audit Trail records the following:
1. View
2. Add
3. Update
4. Delete
1. Subscriptions (Licenses, Billing)
2. Employee Records (People Page)
3. Time and Attendance (Attendance Computation, Shifts, Schedules)
4. Payroll (Regular, Special, Final)
To check the Audit Trail:
1. From your Administrator's Dashboard, click on the User Menu and Choose Control Panel.
2. Switch to the Audit Trail section.
3. You will see the following details:
a. Modification Date - Date and Time when the action was done;
b. Company - Company that was viewed or updated;
c. Type - Action made in the company and module;
d. User - Salarium user who made the transaction;
e. Module - Viewed or updated page;
f. Original Value - Value before the update;
g. Updated Value - New value saved.
4. You may also use the Filter button to check items depending on your chosen category.
a. Modification Start Date
b. Modification End Date
c. Company
d. User
e. Transaction Type
f. Module

By default, you will see all logs from the present date and 30 days backward.

Starting October 25, 2022, transactions made in the covered modules will be logged in the Audit Trail. There will be no items deleted or archived. As we optimize the Audit Trail, more modules will be covered.