Set Whitelisted IP Address
An Internet Protocol address (IP address) is a series of unique numbers used to identify a network to where a device is connected.
There are 2 types of IP addresses:
Dynamic IP address - are temporary IP addresses assigned by a network when devices get connected.
Static IP address - are permanent IP addresses mainly used when external devices or websites need to remember the address. Static IP addresses can be used to restrict access of employees to the Salarium Web Bundy by requiring the device to be connected to a set network.
Add IP Address/es:
1. After completing the location details, scroll down below and enter a valid IP address.
2. After entering the IP address, click on the Add IP Address button.
3. You can always Edit or Delete the added IP Addresses.
4. Add IP addresses as needed before clicking on submit.

The IP Address to be added is STATIC IP ADDRESS. It is an IP address that does not change.

What happens if a location does not have a nominated IP address?
Employees can access the ESS and can clock in/out, using the Web Bundy, anywhere as long as they have access to the internet.
What happens when a location has a nominated IP Address?
Employees will still be able to access their ESS if they have access to the internet. However, if they are connected to a network in which the IP address is not nominated in the location, the time logs using Web Bundy will not be captured.
The Time and Attendance module will only capture the time logs of employees if the device they are using is connected to the network with IP Address specified on the list.
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