Regenerate Employee’s BIR 2316

Regenerate Employee’s BIR 2316

Once a form has been generated, it can still be regenerated if there are any changes from the employee records. Deleting the record is not an option, so the only way is to regenerate the existing records.

To regenerate the existing employee government form:
1. From the Top Navigation, head to Employees > Government Forms.
    • The Generate Employee Government Form button and Employee Government Form List is displayed on the page.

2. From the Employee Government Form List, tick the checkbox across the employee form to be regenerated.
    • Multiple items can be regenerated all at once by ticking the corresponding checkbox across each item.
    • To select all items displayed on the list, tick the checkbox found at the left-hand corner of the header.
    • Upon item selection, the Regenerate Employee 2316 and Download Employee 2316 appear as dropdown options.

3. Select Regenerate Employee 2316 to regenerate form.

    • A message appears that the record is successfully regenerated.

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