Deletion of a Salarium account will wipe out all the data added
and are non-retrievable.
To delete a Salarium Account.
1. From the Dashboard, click on User Menu and
choose Control Panel.
2. You’ll land on the Subscriptions page and you
have to switch to the Account Deletion Tab.
3. Click on the Delete my Account button to
initiate the deletion.
4. A confirmation box will appear to start the
initiation of the deletion. Click on the Yes button.
5. You will have to choose from the options the
reason for deleting the account. You can choose multiple reasons from the
options. The message box will be required if the "Others" option is selected alone, but it will still be enabled but not required if you choose the “Others”
option together with the other options. Then, click on Submit.
6. The owner who triggered the deletion will
receive an email with a verification code. The verification code is only valid for 3 minutes.
7. The verification code must be entered before you
click on the Submit button.

- The attempt
limit of encoding the OTP is thrice.
- If the OTP was incorrectly entered thrice, the
Account deletion page will be disabled for 5 minutes.
8. The last step to finalize the deletion is to
enter the phrase “Delete Me”. Then, click on Submit.

Take note that the phrase is case-sensitive.
Meaning, you have to enter the phrase into the text field as presented on the screen.
9. After the deletion, a notification bar will be
constantly appearing on your screen until the day of the account deletion.
- Only the users with Control Panel access will
see the notification bar.
- The bar indicates the exact date and time of the
account deletion.
10. The Account Owner/s will receive a series of
emails about the account deletion.
- Right after the successful initiation of the
- Daily at 9:00 AM;
- 10 minutes before the set date and time of the
account deletion.
11. If you opt to continue using your account, you
have to click on the Cancel Account Deletion button before the set date and time
of the account deletion.