Single Download of Payroll Register

Single Download of Payroll Register

Payroll Register is a report that shows all relevant pay details of a Payroll Group during a specific pay period. The payroll details of all employees are consolidated and can be downloaded in one single spreadsheet in CSV format.

The file is ready for download after generating payroll for a specific payroll period regardless of its payroll status. However, it is recommended to set the Payroll Status to Close first before downloading the Payroll Register. A closed payroll means there are no further modifications to be made and the computation has been finalized by the Admin who runs payroll.

There are multiple ways of downloading the Payroll Register after generating payroll. These methods apply to generated Regular Payroll, Special Pay Run, and Final Pay Run.

Download Payroll Register via Payroll Summary

After calculating the payroll, you can already download the payroll register from the Payroll Summary. To download the Payroll Register simply click on the Payroll Register button.


The payroll register is named after the Company Name, Payroll Group, and Payroll Period.

Sample Payroll Register of Regular Pay Run

The columns are already fixed regardless if there are payroll items included or none.  If there are no items included for an employee, the value that you will see is 0.00. There will only be additional columns if there are multiple types of other income (allowances, adjustments, etc.), and additional premiums such as holiday, OT, Rest Day, etc. 

Sample Payroll Register of Special Pay Run

For Special Pay Run Payroll Register, the columns are also fixed. Most of the columns will have 0.00 values. Only the following columns may have values:
  1. Allowances
  2. Adjustments
  3. Bonuses
  4. Commissions
  5. Gross Income
  6. Taxable Income
  7. WTax
  8. Net Pay
Sample Payroll Register of Final Pay Run

Like in Regular Pay Run, the columns are fixed unless there are other income/deductions that were added to or deducted from the employees' pay.

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