Download Employee’s BIR 2316

Download Employee’s BIR 2316

The BIR Form 2316 is distributed to each employee after the previous year. Each employee is given a signed copy of their form as proof that the correct amount of withholding tax was collected from the previous year. This form is also handed over to employees who have ended their employment. The same form is also asked by employers as part of Pre-Employment Requirements.

To download employee government form:
1. From the Top Navigation, head to Employees > Government Forms.
    • The Generate Employee Government Form button and Employee Government Form List is displayed on the page.

2. From the Employee Government Form List, tick the checkbox across the employee form to be downloaded.
    • Multiple items can be regenerated all at once by ticking the corresponding checkbox across each item.
    • To select all items displayed on the list, tick the checkbox found at the left-hand corner of the header.
    • Upon item selection, the Regenerate Employee 2316 and Download Employee 2316 appear as dropdown options.

3. Select Download Employee 2316 to download form.

    • A zipped folder containing the form in PDF format will be downloaded to your computer.

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