View and Edit Company Details under Company Settings

View and Edit Company Details under Company Settings

The Company Details include information such as the company name and type, government-issued numbers, and contact information.

Update the company details

1. From your dashboard's top navigation, click on the Company Settings Icon.

2. On the left navigation panel, click on the arrow just below the company dropdown to see the descriptions of each icon, then choose Company Structure>Company Details.

3. Supply all fields with the correct information.

      Company Name - The company's registered trade name.
      Company Type - Private, Government, Non-Profit
      Company Logo - The file should be in .jpeg or .png file, and must not exceed 2 MB.
To update the logo, click on the Replace button and choose the file you want to upload. The uploaded logo will be reflected on each employee's payslip.

      Government Issued ID Numbers - The registered company's government-issued numbers: TIN, RDO, SSS, HDMF, PHIC
The government numbers auto-hyphenate and have a maximum number of characters per field depending on each format.

      Contact Information - The fields are not required but it would always be better if the details are complete.
The last 10 digits of the mobile should be used for the mobile number field.

4. Upon completing the details, click on the Submit button.

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