Assign Rest Day to Employees
To assign a Rest Day:
1. From the Top Navigation go to Time and Attendance > Shifts.
2. From the Employee List, locate the employee you would like to assign a rest day to.
You can use the Search Bar or the Filter to look up the employee.
The Default Schedule is automatically assigned to all employees by default if there are no custom shifts or Rest Day assigned yet. Updates on Default Schedule should be done under Company Settings > Schedule Settings > Default Schedule.
3. Click on the white space to reveal the Assign button.
- Shift Calendar has two views - Day and Week.
- Day View displays the date and time (per hour interval) as heading. The colored horizontal bars with Schedule Name and Time is the shift assigned to the employee. This provides an overview which time of the day is being covered by the assigned shift.
- Week View displays the day (Sunday to Saturday) with dates as heading. The colored rectangles with Schedule Name is the shift assigned to the employee. This provides an overview which day/s of the week is/are being covered by the assigned shift.
4. Click on Assign > Choose Rest Day.
- The Assign Shift/Rest day box appears.
5. Set Rest Day Effective Start Date.
6. If the Rest Day repeats multiple times in a week, tick the Rest Day Repeat switch on. Skip this step and proceed to Step 8 if not applicable.
7. Configure Rest Day Repeat Settings.
Choose Rest Days
| Tick on the days when the Rest Day repeats.
Repeat Every
| Choose the number of Rest Day occurrences
1 week: Assigned Rest Day repeats every week
2 weeks: Assigned Rest Day repeats once two weeks
3 weeks: Assigned Rest Day repeats once three weeks
| Never: Assigned Rest Day continually applies for ticked days until it gets un-assigned.
After X occurrences: Assigned Rest Day ends after X number of occurrences.
8. Click on the Assign button.
- The newly assigned rest day is displayed on the Employee Shift List.
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