What's in the Admin Dashboard?

What's in the Admin Dashboard?

Components of the Administrator's Dashboard

Top Navigation

Primary access point going to different pages of the Admin’s Salarium Account

Top Navigation Icons

Company Dropdown

  • Tells which company’s Admin Dashboard the user is navigating

  • A dropdown that displays other companies under the account

  • Use for switching from one company to another

  • Manage Companies redirects Control Panel > Companies


  • Redirects to the Admin Dashboard

Time and Attendance Module

  • Redirects to Time and Attendance Module that allows users to:

    • create custom schedules

    • assign shifts and rest days to employees

    • manage employee’s attendance records

Payroll Module

  • Redirects to Payroll Module that allows users to:

    • assign bonuses and commissions

    • generate regular payroll, special pay run, or final pay run

    • generate the company’s monthly and annual government reports


  • Redirects to the Employee page that exhibits basic HRIS features

  • The page where all employees’ time and attendance and payroll information are stored and managed.


  • Redirects to the Announcements page that allows users to publish and view incoming/outgoing announcements. 



  • Notifies a user about filed requests, approvals, payslips, and billing



  • Redirects to a page that shows all requests of employees

  • Request Types: Leave, Time Correction, Overtime, Paid Undertime, Shift Change

  • Status: Pending, Approved, Declined, Cancelled, Approving/Declining/Cancelling

Company Settings

  • Redirects to Company Setting where it allows the user to configure the added company based on existing policies and requirements

User Menu

  • Contains Profile Information, Control Panel,  Employee Page option, and Logout option

    • Profile Information

This page contains User Details such as User Type, Email, Assigned Subscription License, and Assigned Companies.

  • Control Panel

Redirects to the Account Settings page where Subscriptions, Users, and SALPay Integration can be accessed.

  • Employee Page

Instant access to the employee page if the Admin also has an employee record

  1. Knowledge Base
                          Redirects to a page containing different articles regarding the how-tos of the system
  • Log Out

Logs out the admin account


  • Upper Section of the Admin Calendar

  • Displays the current week

  • A red marker below the date indicates an event

  • Clicking the blue line below the current week will expand the calendar to a whole month's view

  • Buttons to switch from one week/month to another are also present

  • Lower Section of the Admin Calendar

  • Displays full details when a specific date is clicked on

  • Displays different events such as Holidays, Work Anniversaries, Birthdays, and Employees on Leave



  • Displays real-time attendance coming from the Web Bundy and Salarium I/O Biometric Devices

  • By default, it shows the Present employees with the following details:

    • Primary Location

    • Department

    • Clock In

    • Clock Out

    • Status: Present, Tardy, Absent

      • An employee will only be tagged as Present if he/she is not timesheet required, or if timesheet required, he/she must have BOTH the Clock In and Out Records.

      • An employee will be tagged as Tardy if he/she clocked in beyond the expected start of the shift assigned to him/her.

      • An employee will be tagged as Absent if he/she is timesheet required and does not have Clock In and Out Records. If the employee only has Clock In record, he/she will still be tagged as Absent.

  • Includes the Regenerate Button for Time and Attendance to capture the real-time records of the employees.

  • A search field is also present to find specific employee/s.

  • A filter can also be used to find employees depending on their status, location, department, or position.



  • Displays announcements published by other users

  • Includes a quick link button to see all announcements sent and received.





  1. Displays a reminder on the next Pay Run schedule.
  2. Includes a quick link to generate a Pay Run.

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