About Payroll

About Payroll

The Payroll page shows statistics comparing the previous month's payroll against the current month's payroll, as well as the next schedule of Pay Run.

The statistics fields consider all generated payrolls within the previous and current month, regardless of the type of Pay Run - Regular, Special, and Final.

Here are the possible indications for each field in the statistics:
1. Number of employees - An increase shows that there are newly added employees. While a decrease indicates that there are employees who are no longer part of the payroll generated. Generating other pay runs also affects the variance.
2. Gross Payroll - An increase indicates newly hired employees, Basic Pay Adjustments for some employees, Additional Income such as premiums, allowances, adjustments, and other generated pay runs - Special and Final. A decrease indicates terminated employees or more attendance-related deductions, and other deductions such as loans or negative adjustments.\
3. Number of Pay runs - An increase indicates additional generated pay runs such as Special and Final, on top of the usual regular pay runs.

Types of Pay Run

Regular Pay Run
A regular pay run falls on the normal disbursement schedules set by the company. This can be set when creating a payroll group.
  • Company ABC’s payroll is set to Semi-monthly, meaning the salaries get disbursed twice in a month – every 15th and 30th.

Special Pay Run
A special pay run is a disbursement outside the regular disbursement dates. Some bonuses, commissions, allowances and adjustments may be disbursed through a special run. The 13th month pay is a bonus that is usually being disbursed through a special pay run. 

Final Pay Run
The Final Pay Run is the computation of the Final Pay of resigned/terminated employees. It is computed based on how the final pay computation on the employee profile is set up.

An easier way of finding a generated payroll can be easily done with the use of the filter button. You can filter the generated payrolls by indicating a specific period, identifying the Payroll Group name, and checking the Status of the payrolls generated.

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